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Parents desire quality professional education for their children, but rising inflation makes these dreams seem unachievable.


with BajajCapital


Why BajajCapital?

Peace of Mind

A plan beforehand through us for the bright future of your child accompanied with the right financial steps would ensure 'Peace of Mind' even in the crunchiest of times.


'Diversification' into different asset classes mitigates the market ups and downs enabling a balanced and stable portfolio growth. At Bajaj Capital we ensure the right mix of asset classes for your ideal portfolio.

Reduced Burden

We have especially designed 'Higher Education Solutions' with an investing consistently approach for 10-20 years that can help you build a substantial corpus, thereby easing the financial burden to pay for your child's education.


The Higher Education Solutions keep 'The Power of Compounding' as its core principle hence encouraging an early investment and the flexibility to adjust the portfolio as per your child's education aspirations and market conditions.

Tax Benefits

Certain investment options, such as education-focused mutual funds or ELSS, may offer tax benefits, further enhancing the growth of your corpus.

Hedge against Inflation

Early investment can help you stay ahead of rising education costs, which tend to outpace general inflation. Regular Portfolio Rebalancing will allow the right options to grow at a steady pace.

PLAN TODAY TO achieve your dream!

60+ Years

of Experience

₹ 51,000+ Cr

Assets under Advisory

41+ Lakh



Branches across 100 cities



Disclaimer: Bajaj Capital Limited (“BCL”) is a mutual fund distributor (ARN 0010) registered with AMFI. Certain products and services offered by BCL may not be traded on the exchange. All disputes with respect to the distribution activity, would not have access to Exchange Investor Redressal Forum or Arbitration mechanism. In accordance with the applicable laws, BCL is allowed to render incidental advice with respect to mutual fund products only to its mutual fund distribution clients. For every other purpose, including distribution of non-mutual fund products, the circulated material is for informational purposes only. Further, it is not intended as investment advice or an opinion concerning securities or a public offer proving a basis for an investment decision. The views or expressions contained in the circulated material are not necessarily of BCL and BCL neither assumes any responsibility/liability nor does guarantee its accuracy, suitability, completeness, and adequacy. The figures and data that may be appearing in the material are taken from various sources and BCL is not responsible for the accuracy of the same. The content of the material including images, charts, graphics, and pictures are protected intellectual properties and cannot be amended, copied, reproduced, replicated, republished, uploaded, posted, published, transmitted, displayed, or distributed for any non-personal use without obtaining prior written permission, any non-adherence of which may attract appropriate legal action. Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risk, read all scheme-related documents carefully. The past performance of the scheme is not indicative of future performance. Investors are advised to seek appropriate advice from experts before taking any investment decisions. Nothing in the circulated material is intended to construe an advertisement or an investment, financial advice and/or solicitation, advice to buy, sell or deal in any financial product.

*Source: ET Online Research. Note: The costs are conservative and are bound to vary from university to university.